Controlling costs and maximising logistical efficiency are absolutely vital to many companies. The logistics surrounding large products are often cause for consternation. How can companies achieve cost-effective logistics for large products?
Cost-effective logistics and more savings for large products
Smart product design and sophisticated packaging solutions: these are just a few of the ingredients in efficient, effective and sustainable logistics for large-scale products, as we always say here at HSV-TMP. It is possible to design a large product in such a way that the logistics are cost-effective, and may deliver even more savings.

Development and optimisation of large plastic products
The technical product designers at HSV-TMP are specialised in large-scale design and production, relying on expert knowledge and decades of experience to develop and optimise your large plastic products, shaped components and housings. If you want to achieve the ideal large product, with cost-effective logistics and relevant savings, the designers at HSV-TMP are ready to assist you. Request the QuickScan today and receive advice without any obligations.

Efficient and effective logistics, transport and warehousing

To achieve efficient and effective logistics, transport and warehousing for large products, the product design is reviewed and optimised in all sorts of ways. The aim: to optimise the m3 occupied by the products and reduce empty space to a minimum. This contributes to:
- Efficient storage in loading bays and warehouses
- Fewer transport movements
- Reduced fuel consumption and lower CO2 emissions
Using a nestable design makes it easy to stack the products, so more volume can be stored in the same space.
The design takes into account the standard dimensions of loading bays, docking stations and other transport and storage facilities, and we are happy to advise you on robust packaging materials that offer solid protection.
Logistics performance management
Competent chain management is vitally important in order to identify, control and manage costs. HSV-TMP takes your logistical preferences into account. By providing just-in-time delivery, Kanban, data integration, rolling forecasts, demand forecasts, warehousing and our ERP system, we make a real contribution to optimising the logistical process for your large products. The options also include RFID solutions and ID labels for product track & trace and quality control. Would you like more information? Click on the button below to consult the HSV-TMP design team directly.
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